Many questions can puzzle your mind when you hear the word lab-grown diamonds. Also known as manmade diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are created in the lab and have identical characteristics to natural ones. Both the natural and lab-grown diamonds match everything in terms of chemical, physical, and optical attributes. The main difference between lab-grown diamonds and […]
How Often Should You Clean Your Jewelry?
Part of owning a piece of jewelry involves regularly maintaining and keeping it clean. For a piece of jewelry to last long and retain its sparkly look, it is advisable to take it to a professional for regular cleanings and maintenance. Most jewelry owners usually ask the question, how often should I clean my jewelry? […]
Can I Use a Family Gem in My New Engagement Ring?
Are you planning to propose to your girlfriend or boyfriend with your family diamond ring, and you are worried that it might not be to their taste, or it’s worn or outdated? Do you know that you can have the family diamond turned into a modern, new engagement ring? Here’s a guide on making a ring […]